Favour App

Mobile App Design | Spring 2022 | UI/UX | Markus Vogl

Favour is a community of individuals trading their services and helping hands through a new kind of social currency.Once you have completed a favour for a patron of the community, you can find and hire someone with a specific skillset to accomplish whatever you may need. The weight of each transaction is determined by the giver in the recipient in terms of duration, resources, expertise, etc., to name the Favourtoken face value. Everybody is good at something, and everybody needs something. Input distinct preferences to get recommended Favours that suit your unique abilities and needs.

Objective: It will be the job of the student to design an app that will enhance or improve the users life, and research & explain how this app will help or be of service. Students should explore all manners of possible apps that may or may not exist. Students will design a new iPhone app utilizing as many features and aspects of the device as possible that fit in the scope of the app’s intended design and functionality. The student will be responsible for establishing a clear system of signifiers for interaction. Students will be responsible for a logo, identity, and all design elements as well as all navigation and user interaction.